Sunday, June 7, 2009

Training Day 3: 18km, 103 minutes

I did 45 laps on the track, that is 18km (45 by 400m), in the afternoon/evening – from 4.37pm. I did 44 laps n 100 minutes but opted to add one more lap to get a round andd friendly 18km. Average 5 min 40 sec per lap.

The track was deserted when I got there but by the time I left, there were four other runners. From the way they were running, they are either just enthusiasts or short race guys – they were running so fast that just the thought of following them disoriented me and made my head spin.
I slowed down at the seventh lap but pushed on till the 45th lap. My mind was on 100 minutes – the laps just came. I wasn’t in the best of frames to take on the track, and not 100 minutes of pounding the track.
On Saturday, I travelled to Kitui – 3 hours from Nairobi. In the morning, I did some local tourism and went climbing Nzambani Rock, quite an energy sapping thing, to say nothing of my fear of heights. So when I went to run, I was really low on energy. Just four bananas and half a litre of milk.
After the run, I was all hungry but I chose to walk to Yaya Centre from where I took a matatu home.
Indeed, Lewa is manageable in under 2hrs ..


  1. This is great man though if you run 45 laps in 5 mins per lap you'd take three hours and 45mins or 225 mins; not 105mins. And if you do 45 laps in 105 mins that's an average of 2mins 3secs per lap, which is pretty fast!
    Anyways, no matter, if you ran for 105 minutes I am sure you got the benefits of the exercise. The speed or number of laps does not really matter at this point. You are getting your mitochondria up and opening up blood capillaries in your body. You endurance is improving and so is your running economy. And your body is learning the discipline of holding itself up for 100 minutes whilst placing one leg in front of the other and pumping the air with your fists. The more you repeat that basic movement, the better you become at it. The more efficient you become at it, the faster you get. Feel free to increase the 30mins in your schedule to 45 or 50 mins. Since you have done 100mins already, add 20mins to the 120 and 140mins.
    Keep it up. I will be doing 10K today on the track. Hope it doesn't rain.

    PS: You keep doing this for a few more months and you will be doing a comfortable sub 2 hours in Stanchart. That sub 1:30 is possible after all. The only question is whether you can keep this up for a few hours.

  2. Thanks man. I meant to say an average of over 5 mins per km - errors all mine. Honestly, I was so 'sapped out' all I wanted was some cold drink and hot food. I'm sure you know that feeling: when you are really hungry, images of delicious food assil your mind ... and you can hardly think of anything else.
    I'll keep trying. As it is, the June 27th Lewa thing is a good goal ...
