Thursday, November 19, 2009

100 pushups, Week 2 day 3: repeat

In the last post, I indicated I had done about the right number of pushups for Week 2 day 3 but with the wrong combination. I promised to repeat but with the right combination. And I did it - but with a pushup more: Instead of 12-13-10-10 I did 12-14-10-10...

Anyway, here:
Set 1: 12 pushups
Set 2: 14 pushups
Set 3: 10 pushups
Set 4: 10 pushups
Final set: 26 pushups

Total: 72 pushups

The muscles are not feeling the pain as they were at the beginning. I have the hang of it, I think. I guess it has something to do with the two-day break.
Week 2 done now to the stage that separates the boys from the men (the men from the boys etc).
On this level there are 2146 participants but on Week 3 day 1 we have 3909. I'm heading there folks.

I am duly advised: "Don't forget, now you've completed Week 2, it's time to take an exhaustion test. Perform as many good-form push ups as you can manage before you physically can't do another one."


  1. Hey! You are not accountable if you aint using this blog man. Where are the updates?
    I am thinking of taking the 200 situps challenge for core strength.

  2. I'm here; after the repeat, work and family conspired to rob me of the pleasure of the morning pushups. Will be back on Thursday morning.
    Hebu take the situps ... but ... they are tough..
