Sunday, November 1, 2009

100 pushups, Day 1, Week 1

I started the 100 pushups in 6 weeks programme today (
The aim is to build on my strength, or something!
I did 30 pushups: 6-6-4-4-10. Between the sets, I rested for about 60 seconds.
According to the programme, you rest for a day before you do the next day's challenge.
Each week has three sessions. Today's was just a breeze... see you on Tuesday for day 2 where I have to do at least 42 pushups ... see ya on Tuesday.


  1. Congrats on taking the 100 pushups challenge. Its a very challenging program but I am sure week 1-3 will be easy for you. Week 4 is where the rubber will meet the road but its worth it and you will enjoy it and learn from it.

  2. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha! It may start sooner than week 4 but am with it man. 100 pushups at a go. It feels like the US Army's notorous 'give ne fifty!'
    Let's see how it goes.
